Afghanistan: How Veterans can learn from Vietnam Veterans

In the second part of a four-part series about Afghanistan veterans and how they can get help through the VA, the article Afghanistan: How Veterans can learn from Vietnam Veterans focuses on how those who served in Afghanistan can learn from those who served in Vietnam. We highly recommend this article as it addresses many issues that our veteran clients may be dealing with and offers information about resources available to help.

“While the conflicts are different, there are parallels.

Each operation had U.S. involvement for about two decades. Both countries had a low initial amount of forces. Both later had a surge in forces. U.S. forces in both theaters fought an enemy that hid among the people. The U.S. participation in the Vietnam War started ending in 1973 with the signing of the Paris Peace Accords. The U.S. withdrew, leaving the country to determine a path ahead. In Afghanistan, the U.S. withdrawal will leave Afghans to determine their own future. Continue reading…