The Power of a Story – Part I

Let’s begin a journey into the world of storytelling!  Fundraising revolves around the telling of stories that stir emotional responses in people, which then causes them to act.  That action being the offer of a donation, of course.  Storytelling is a very powerful tool and using if effectively can take your fundraising to new heights.

As humans, we are wired to notice and pay attention to stories.  Our brains are always looking for patterns, meaning, and emotional connection, and stories provide all those things.  They help us make sense of our own experiences and those of others.  They also inspire empathy and motivate engagement, and in the right hands, a story can be a true call to action.

You may be thinking, “what does storytelling have to do with fundraising?”. The answer to that is EVERYTHING!  Since storytelling is one of the best ways to engage with people and pass along information, it is a very valuable resource for fundraisers.  People are much more likely to read through what you write, connect with it on an emotional level, and thus donate, if your story is interesting to them.

The story section of your fundraising page is hugely important.  That’s where you are able to connect with prospective donors and give them a glimpse into why you are fundraising for NEADS.  It’s been proven time and again that clients who add thoughtful and personal content to the story section of their pages, get more donations than those who don’t.  If you write something that captures the reader’s attention, then you will receive more donations – it’s a simple fact.

So, what makes a great story for your fundraising page?  The story section of your page is meant to be used for biographical info.  It should tell potential donors who you are, why you applied to NEADS, why you are fundraising for NEADS, how you think a NEADS Service/Assistance Dog will help you, etc.  The more you share with donors* the more likely they are to donate through your page.

In the next installment, we will dive deeper into writing your story and making it work for you.  For now, think about which aspects of your life you might want to share with others.  Remember, this is your story so how you tell it is entirely up to you.



* Fundraising pages are public so share as much as you are comfortable with and if you aren’t comfortable sharing anything personal, then reach out to me so we can discuss other options.