You’re Invited to a (Virtual) Puppy Shower

NEADS dog Acadia has had her second litter, and we're welcoming the newest members of the NEADS family with a virtual Puppy Shower.

Puppies need a lot of supplies, and the NEADS nursery staff has put together a wish list of items they and the puppies could use. For puppy care and keeping the nursery clean, the wish list includes items like dishwasher soap, laundry soap, hand sanitizer, and small towels.

It’s important for puppies to grow up in an enriched environment so that they grow up to be confident and stable Service Dogs. To that end, we use a variety of socialization items (toys, umbrellas, tunnels, balance boards, climbing ramps and stairs to name a few) that offer novel surfaces for the pups to walk on and that give them a variety of sensory experiences.

See the complete wish list here.

We'll be sharing our baby puppy photos soon...

Proud mama, ready and waiting